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Zion Harvest Mission
Zion Harvest Mission Church of Kenya
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Zion Harvest Mission

Bishop Nicholas OlooAn Introduction from the new Bishop Nicholas Oloo

Receive love and greetings from Rose, my wife and myself in Jesus’ Holy Name!
My name is Nicholas Oloo Anyim, Bishop elect of Zion Harvest Mission, Kenya. I am sixty two (62) years of age. I was saved on 18th April 1979, is the same year, I joined Zion Harvest Missiom to date.
I have had an opportunity to meet some of your leaders including Rev. Bob Kiteley, Malcolm & Barbara Leighton and Jane & Martin Hiley and others who have visited Kenya.
May I take this opportunity to thank all the leaders both past and present for all the contribution, support and sacrifice they have given to the work of God here in Kenya that has enabled us to be where we are now.
It is my sincere prayer that the good relationship that has been there all this period will continue, and become much stronger.
Pray for me so that God give me the heart of King David for God, the Wisdom of Solomon, but most of all the sacrificial heart of our Lord, King Jesus for his people who I am going to shepherd.
God bless you all.