The Lord’s Prayer    WEEK THREE 24thth-30th January

Overall Theme:     A framework of prayer to ensure we embrace all God offers us in HisThe Lords Prayer100
friendship and His kingship
Weeks Theme:      Hallowed be your name –
  • We have established who we pray to is an intimate loving Father who is mighty and powerful.
  • Do you know what your name means? Share and say if it fits your personality.
  • Who in the world has the most famous names and why are there names famous, good or bad reasons? eg Barack Obama because has most powerful political position in world.
Word        Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfil every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.   12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Hallowed be your name is the first of six petitions in the Lord’s Prayer, if order is important in the bible, than this is the most important petition why might that be? (NOTE: God’s name can not separated from God Himself because he is the Truth, so His names are also absolute truths)
  • Hallowed means holy, consecrated, sacred, or revered, if God name is already holy what are we praying for?
  • The above passage (V11) uses the phase to “constantly pray for you” suggests that this is a lifestyle rather that a sit down power time, what might that mean for us today?
  • The second half of V11 talks of prayer for every purpose and every act prompted by your faith, share what areas of your faith and action need that focus of everything being for God.
  • V12 suggest the reason we pray that for everything being for God is “so the name of our Lord Jesus maybe glorified in you,” how might our lifestyles being Glory to the name of Jesus in our everyday workplace or with friends and family?
  • “For Christ sake” is used to swear, why might the name of God be used in this way? 
  • What are the areas of our lives that perhaps do not bring glory to God’s name when we are with those who do not know God personally? Eg drinking, driving, swearing, rage, etc
  • What can you do in your everyday life to better bring glory to God’s name?
  • Pray that you life might be more about God by inviting the Holy Spirit to be your strength.
  • Pray that your life style with bring glory to the name of God in your everyday life.
We often think pray is all about what God can do for me but the first three petitions are all about God only before those involving God and us. In our prayers we need to always remember prayer is first and last about God even when it involves us.


James Levasier, 19/01/2010