Sermon: Core Values – Mature Discipleship
Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-16
Sermon Date: January 7, 2018



When did you feel you had grown up? When did you feel you were actually an adult?


We are starting a new series on our Core Values as a Church. We will be looking into each of our Core Values to help us grow as Jesus’ disciples. The whole goal of the series is that we might mature in our discipleship.
    1. Can you share anything that you remember about the sermon you heard on Sunday?
    2. What does it mean to be mature? (Not mature disciples, just a mature person)

Nerdy facts:

Ephesians 4:13 “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”
The Greek word for mature is “τ?λειον” (teleion) which comes from the word “telos” complete (in various applications of labour, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); therefore to reach completeness of full age or perfection.
Ephesians 4:15 “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
The Greek word for “grow” is “α?ξ?σωμεν” (auxesomen) which means literally “to enlarge, to grow up or to increase”.
Ephesians is clearly saying that as disciples we are called to grow, to enlarge, to increase in becoming more like Christ. He is whom we are being discipled by and our goal as Christians is to be like Him.
    3. What does it mean to be more like Jesus?

Please read Ephesians 4:1-16 (we will be looking at vs 11-16, but it is good to read the whole context)
    4. What are the “gifts” He gave to his people mentioned in vs 8? 
Please read vs 11-13 again
    5. What is the job of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers? (please don’t get into the discussion of who is an apostle / prophet, we are focusing on maturing as disciples in this study)
    6. How can we take advantage of the gifts that God has given others for us to mature?
Please read vs 14-16
    7. Do you ever feel you are being tossed back and forth by “teachings” that aren’t Christ’s teaching?
    8. In vs 15 we find the great combination of truth and love. How is that love reflected? Is it only saying something with a smile on your face or does love also have practical implications?
    9. In vs 16 we see that we grow through Jesus, how is that growth reflected? 


Maturing as disciples has to do with many aspects of Christianity. There is a call to grow and mature together, it isn’t only an individual call. We are also invited to grow in our knowledge of Christ, speaking truth and not being blown by “every wind of teaching”. There is also an obvious implication that to grow, to mature, we need to do our “part”, our “work”, which is related to loving others in a practical way. This is the kick off of a whole series on Mature Discipleship.
10. What do you think you could change in your way of living to become a more mature disciple?

As a group, pray together for that one thing each of you is planning to change or grow in during the next few weeks. As Church leaders we want to really encourage you to look into growing in your relationship with God. It is actually our job to help you in doing this and we’d love to do so in every way possible!

John Stott said “Nothing is more important for mature Christian discipleship than a fresh, clear, true vision of the authentic Jesus”

Nico Ohlsson, 02/01/2018