Lambeth Blog 13

Friday 1st August


Threat of rain has passed and the sun is shining. Everyone is looking tired. I am certainly feeling it. BUT this afternoon I have a lady called Caroline Fielder coming to speak on the growth of the Church in China. I am sure that will be exciting.


jane williams

Jane Williams

Last evening I got to my room at 6.10 to find an invitation to a Reception at The Old Place with Jane and Rowan. Magnificent: off with one dress on with another, perfume quick hairbrush and off to catch the coach leaving at 6.30. Yes, I can do it when the promise is good!! These invitations have been going out several times. About 25 of us went and it was a mixed group of Bishops, Spouses and staff. The Bishop of Aberdeen was good company and, after a couple of glasses of wine, I had a frank discussion with the Bishop Matthias from Ho in Ghana, his wife Lucy and an unknown USA chap.

Because I don't have the ear of a Bishop privately I have been chatting where I could to try to find how the Indaba groups are going on the theme of Covenant and sexuality. Mentioning no names of course (we keep being told there is danger for some if they speak outside their safe areas!) I feel there will be no real answer to the difficulties the Anglican Communion has been experiencing since the last Lambeth Conference ten years ago. Generally people agree that relationships, friendships and close family feelings are developing. But "ways forward" are still unsure. Someone said: "Godly things don't happen fast. It could take 100 years and then by then something else will be troubling us!" Another: "When did ANY family agree on everything between each other. Why can't we just agree to disagree and get on with life." 

MathildeBurundi x

Mathilde - Burundi

In the Spouses Tent our theme for the day was "Equipping God's Church: Empowering others and ourselves." Our speakers were from Congo, Burundi, Madagascar, Mexico and Brazil. English speakers needed to use the translation service all morning. Makes you realise how difficult it is for none English speakers who are listening on their head pieces or sitting by a personal interpreter all the time.

Mugisa (Congo), Alice (Madagascar) and Mathilde (Burundi) described projects in their countries run by the Mothers' Union most of which I know very well. The RUTH PROJECT in Madagascar was new to me but in essence much the same as others. Empowering women by providing Literacy and Numerecy classes, Income Generating Programmes, Micro Finance, Leadership Training, Reconciliation Programmes etc. Supporting them with Retreats and Quiet Days, Prayer and extended worship times. Supporting family life with care for the elderly, widows and orphans. There was thanks for the support coming from MU groups here in the UK and of course from Mary Sumner House, our headquarters in London. Some of the women have brought the things their people make back at home. Each day there is a little impromptu market where they are selling their goods.

Mugisa Isingoma Congo x

Mugisa Isingoma - Congo

Alice Chung Madagascar x

Alice Chung - Madagasca

The ladies from Mexico and Brazil talked of similar programmes in support of women and orphans. Sister Angelica said: "Strong arms and the unity between people gets things done. Dream alone and there is only a dream; dream together and things will happen."

The Vine is finished now and a professional photographer has produced Book Marks which I am bringing home for those of you who helped me manufacture the examples. I have told everyone how clever you are and how willing. Wonder what they will get us to do in ten years time!!

"I am the Vine whose branches grow
United in one root;
Who dwell in me, and I in them,
Shall live and bear much fruit."

the vine

The Vine

LogoI am thinking about the Pirates in Ashtead and wondering how they are doing. Must look on the website. Hope the Cutlasses and the Grappling Hooks did well. Of course I hope all of you enjoyed your time as much as I am enjoying my time here. Possibly it was very similar to the Lambeth Conference. Good practice for when you are all Bishops! We have about 50 young people who are acting as Stewards. They are from all over the Anglican Communion. some are students I think. All are Christians belonging to Anglican churches in their home countries. Sadly Caroline told me this afternoon, speaking on the rapid growth of Christians in China, that the Chinese backed out at the last minute because Rowan spoke with the Dalai Lama. What a shame. I am sure both Bishops, wives and young people must have been devastated.

So Friday evening........should be Gin and Tonic time surely..........

Trish Heywood, 01/08/2008