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Wednesday 10th Sept

Seek His face anew

Seek his face

At the back of the church I could see the face of Jesus. It was really big & obvious but no one had noticed it because although the church was full, everyone was facing the front with their backs to the face. Jesus just stayed there patiently. After sometime someone turned round and noticed the face and as he did a few others turned round and so more and more did the same. As soon as people recognised the face and welcomed Jesus, he walked into the congregation and greeted them in ways that met their needs: embracing some, placing hands on others, shaking hands with some, high giving some of the younger crowd etc
I had the feeling that God was saying we need to seek his face in a new way and when we see it he will meet all our needs

Lord, thank you with us, ready to be seen. Help us to seek your face and welcome you in.

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Wednesday 12th Feb


God hears our cries

Some news from Eileen .... At the previous meeting of SPACE, we prayed for  my grandson Joel out in India & his need for friendship/acceptance by the local children. I didn't get the chance to thank those who prayed for him, & especially the picture of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne to sit next to Joel.
To update, he has been included in more games of football & has joined a newly formed football club.
A big step in the right direction!! Praise God & thanks to those who prayed!

Safety and security


My overwhelming sense last night was that SPACE is a place of rest & safety, 
a reflection of
Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
I will say of The Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust".

Lord, thank you that we find our rest, safety and security in You. We trust in you alone.

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Thursday 28th Nov

Heavenly lightsJoined by heavenly beings

I had a sense of us standing as God's people, and then of other presences, of light and all around us. I had an impression of God's Holy Spirit, and of us not being alone but joined by beings from heaven. I thought they had come to have look at us, and they were delighted we had come - a sense of their joy and happiness at what they saw and great rejoicing.

Lord, thank you that you rejoice when we choose to come to you. Help us to know your joy as we gather together AND as we live out each day for you.

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Thursday 24th Oct

boat-in-stormThe Storm and the Boat

As we worshipped a number of us mentioned the image of us on a boat in the middle of a storm. We are frequently overwhelmed and fearful due to the violent storm around us, but Jesus is with us in the boat and it is his presence which will overcome the storm. We often wish Jesus would get up and calm the storm sooner, but he will do so at the perfect time. Until then we must have faith that whilst Jesus is with us, the storm will not overcome us.

Lord Jesus, help me to trust in You, the one who can and will overcome every storm.

abide-with-meAbide in my love

God reminded me that it's all about Him and it doesn't depend on me, my abilities, faith or witness.  I felt God telling me yet again so patiently that He is responsible for things, not me and the most helpful thing I can do is abide in his love and he will do the rest. It is so simple but every part of me rebels against the grace he gives! I felt God reminding me that rather than always trying to do good stuff for him, if I just relax and rest in his love he will show me who is on his heart.

Father God, you invite us to "be" with you before we ever "do" for you. Help us to abide in and be led 
your love.

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Wednesday 9th Oct


The Dam

I saw a huge dam and behind it the water has been building as we have gathered all over the parish to worship and seek God more and more with expectation. This has been going on unseen and possibly leaving people discouraged as it didn't meet their expectations as no water appeared to flow. I felt challenged to keep going even if nothing seemed to be happening because God is always at work whether we are aware or not. At some point I believe the dam will overflow and as it does we will be encouraged all the more. The dam will then crack and eventually break entirely. 

Deep waterInto the deep water

I felt God spoke to me loads last night. His presence was palpable! I felt I was walking behind Jesus along a beach. He was asking me to follow and He then turned and I started walking into the water. He asked me to follow and said 'will you still trust me when you can't touch the bottom? When you're out of your depth?' I was reminded then of the words of the song Oceans:- Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever you would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Saviour.
This is so where I'm at! God is asking me on many levels to step out and trust Him but it may encourage others too.

The castle or the pavement?


We heard a word about our tendancy to sleep rough on the pavement when we have been invited to live in the most amazing castle and are free to enter.

 I just loved the castle/fortress that we only have to say 'yes' to.  And then to get up off the pavement outside and just walk right in.

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SPACE - Words, pictures and encouragements

It's wonderful to gather together each fortnight to celebrate, confess, dwell, wait, listen and share. God pours out so much blessing as we seek Him and it's important that we not only continue to seek Him further but also to carefully weigh and soak in what we believe He is saying to us.

With that purpose in mind, we will be using this blog to share with each other offering encouargements, pictures and words to be weighed and prayed over as we journey together.

Please do add your feedback as God continues to meet with you in the time between each SPACE!

("comment" or "add your response" links below)

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